Gross Domestic Product Continues To Increase

The United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) announced today that real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.3% during the first quarter, compared to 2.9% growth during the fourth quarter of 2017. The deceleration of GDP growth reflects decreasing personal consumption expenditures, according to a BEA press release. Disposable income increased 6.2% to $222.1 billion in the first quarter, compared to a 3.8% increase in the fourth quarter of 2017. The bureau noted that estimates are based on early and incomplete data, with a second estimate to be released May 30.


Truck Drivers To Benefit From Tax Cuts

A survey of American Trucking Association members indicated that half are planning to increase wages or offer bonuses for employees as a result of the Trump administration’s tax reform, according to the United States Chamber of Commerce. The survey also found that 47% of companies plan to invest in new equipment such as trucks, trailers and safety technology. Werner Enterprises, which operates of fleet of more than 7,000 trucks, earlier this month announced an aggregate pay increase of $24 million for its 9,500 drivers, as well as $103 million in additional capital investments in 2018.


Application Period For 30th Class of Leadership Long Beach Now Open

Leadership Long Beach (LLB) is now accepting applications for the 30th class of its LLB Institute program, which begins in August. The nonprofit-run program engages participants in foundations of principled leadership through a retreat and monthly sessions spent “traversing the city” to learn from those engaged in and facing community challenges or opportunities. An informational meet-and-greet happy hour takes place May 7, 5:30-7 p.m., at Skylinks Golf Course, 4800 E. Wardlow Rd.


Arts Council Grant Applications Now Available

This year’s grant applications from the Arts Council for Long Beach are now available. The council provides three types of grants: community project grants, which support projects by arts and cultural organizations; operating grants, which provide funding for arts organizations; and professional artist fellowships, which are awarded to individual artists. The arts council is presenting three workshops on grant writing for each category. The first, for community project grants, is taking place May 10 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at The Collaborative Gallery, 421 W. Broadway. To RSVP, email


Free Bird Watching At Rancho Los Cerritos

The Rancho Los Cerritos is hosting a free bird watching walk through the rancho grounds tomorrow, April 28, from 8-9:30 a.m. The rancho is located at 4600 Virginia Rd.