Flights From Long Beach To Honolulu To Begin June 1

Today, Long Beach Airport (LGB) and Hawaiian Airlines announced daily non-stop service from Long Beach to Honolulu beginning June 1. A new Airbus A321neo aircraft, which is one of the quietest and most efficient aircraft available, is slated to fly the route. Hawaiian Airlines was on LGB’s waitlist for one of the airport’s limited flight slots and was awarded a slot that was recently relinquished by JetBlue Airways, according to airport staff.


New Legislation Would Mean More Housing Near Transit

On January 3, State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco introduced a bill that would increase the number of housing developments within a half mile radius of major transit stops or a quarter mile radius of high-quality transit corridors. The bill would eliminate certain development restrictions and create certain incentives for developers, such as reduced parking requirements.


Proposed Legislation Aims To Protect Hotel Workers

A bill outlining safety protections for hotel workers was introduced to the state assembly last week. The bill would require hotel employers to provide panic buttons to employees who work alone in guestrooms. If the bill is made law, hotel employers would have to keep lists of guests accused of violence or harassment against employees. Those guests would be declined service for a period of three years.


California Fuel Prices Third Most Expensive Nationwide

Fuel prices in California are now at a 26.4% premium compared to the United States average, according to the California Center for Jobs & the Economy. California has the third highest gas prices behind Hawaii and the Washington, D.C. The center also found that Californians pay higher rates for electricity and natural gas.


NLRB Requests Input On Union Representation Election Procedures

The National Labor Relations Board is seeking public input on its 2014 Election Rule, which dictates the procedure for electing union representation. The board is seeking feedback on the following: if the 2014 Election Rule should be retained as-is, if it should be retained with modifications, or if it should be rescinded and older regulations re-adopted with or without changes.


Real Estate Council To Discuss Evolution Of Retail, Commercial

Alan Pullman, senior principal and founder of Studio One Eleven, is the guest speaker at the Long Beach Commercial Real Estate Council’s breakfast meeting this Friday, which is focused on the topic “Retail and Commercial Real Estate – Are You Evolving?” January 12, 7:30-9 a.m., The Grand, 4101 E. Willow St.