Everyone who attended Envy Beauty Studio’s going away party in late January left with a stem cut from a Pothos plant whose leaves once stretched wall-to-wall at the Downtown Long Beach salon.

A Pothos plant can regrow a sister plant from just one stem kept in water or dirt.

“I wanted everyone to leave with a little bit of Envy,” said Stephanie Stomp, owner of the salon on Elm Avenue near Third Street.

After nearly a dozen years at that location, Stomp said she was ready to “not be the boss.”

Stephanie Stomp, owner of Envy Beauty Studio, joyfully styles hair as she prepares to close her shop after 11 years in Long Beach on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. Photo by Thomas R. Cordova.

She accepted a fellow hairdresser’s invitation to move in at Bolt Salon, one street over on Linden Avenue near First Street.

Stomp struck up a friendship with Valerie Ponzi, owner of Bolt Salon, after moving to The Lafayette condominium complex early last year.

On daily walks with her dog Honey, Stomp would often stop at Ponzi’s salon a few doors down to let Honey accept dog treats.

One day, Ponzi asked Stomp to move into her salon.

“I’m looking forward to learning from [Ponzi], she’s such a positive person,” Stomp said.

Ponzi has owned Bolt Salon for eight years and lived in Long Beach since 2004.

Stephanie Stomp, right, teamed up with Valerie Ponzi, owner of Bolt Salon, just a short stroll from Stephanie’s beloved location of 11 years in Long Beach Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025. Photo by Thomas R. Cordova.

Stomp, who has been a hairdresser for 40 years, didn’t mind leaving behind the oddly located upstairs shower at Envy, but there are a few things she will miss.

“I’m sad to leave because I love all of my neighbors,” Stomp said.

The Art + Design Walks held in the East Village neighborhood were a big reason Stomp was excited to move locations, she said.

Stomp plans to participate in the walk this March, which was initiated to support local artists and encourage more visitors to Downtown businesses.

Stephanie Stomp, left, teamed up with Valerie Ponzi, owner of Bolt Salon, just a short stroll from Stephanie’s beloved location of 11 years in Long Beach Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025. Photo by Thomas R. Cordova.

At Envy’s going away party, Stomp got on stage with her friend Ed’s band to sing “Chain of Fools” by Aretha Franklin.

“I’m ready to slow it down a little bit, but not slow it down too much,” Stomp said.