Earlier today, the City of Long Beach released a 697-page feasibility study by Jacobs Engineering regarding a possible U.S. Customs facility at the Long Beach Airport. The facility, if approved by the city council, would allow international flights to and from the airport.
Prior to the city council making a decision, two community hearings are scheduled for public input: Thursday, October 20, 6:30 p.m., before the Long Beach Airport Advisory Commission, Long Beach Gas & Oil Auditorium, 2400 E. Spring St.; and Tuesday, October 25, 6 p.m. (time specific), Long Beach Economic Development Commission, City Council Chambers, 333 W. Ocean Blvd. The city council will hear reports from the two commissions on Tuesday, November 15 (time to be determined).
The introduction of the lengthy report offers several important statements:
1. “A principal consideration in LGB’s operation is the limit enforced in regards to cumulative aircraft noise. The City’s Airport Noise Compatibility Ordinance was maintained as a local action as part of the Federal Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990. . . . Since that time, the City Council has consistently reaffirmed the City’s support for the Noise Ordinance and the restrictions therein, through the adoption of no less than six resolutions.”
2. “The Noise Ordinance balances the environmental, social, economic, and legal concerns of the community and the Federal regulatory requirements for a safe, efficient, and financially sustainable national plan of integrated airport systems. The City gives protection of the Noise Ordinance the highest priority, factored into consideration of every airport issue. The Noise Ordinance is among the most stringent in the United States and has been emulated by airports worldwide, positioning the City as an industry leader in airport noise mitigation.”
3. “The Noise Ordinance does not restrict the destination of flights departing from LGB, nor does it restrict the origin of flights arriving at LGB. The Noise Ordinance limits noise rather than flight activity.”