Trump Administration Announces Tariffs On $16 Billion In Chinese Imports

The Trump administration today released a list of $16 billion in Chinese imports marked for an additional 25% tariff. This second round of tariffs on Chinese goods is a response to the “forced transfer of American technology and intellectual property” on the part of China, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. The administration had already imposed tariffs on about $34 billion worth of imports from China in July.


Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Optimism Index At All-Time High

In the third quarter of 2018, small business optimism is at an all-time high, according to the Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index. The index scored small business optimism at 118, the highest ever score in the quarterly survey’s 15-year history. The score was also 12 percentage points higher than in the second quarter, according to Wells Fargo. In the survey of American small business owners conducted in July, 78% of respondents reported that their financial situation was “very or somewhat good,” and 84% of business owners expected to be in that position in a year. Business owners cited hiring and retaining staff as their top challenge. Click here to read the full survey results.


State Senate To Consider “Job-Killer” Bills Identified By CalChamber

After reconvening from their summer recess, the state assembly and senate are set to consider three bills labeled as “job killers” by the California Chamber of Commerce. Assembly Bill 3080 relates to employment discrimination enforcement. Senate Bill 1284 and SB 1300 relate to annual pay data reports and unlawful employment practices such as discrimination and harassment, respectively. The next deadline for these bills is August 17, when they must be forwarded to the assembly or senate floors for consideration. The chamber also identified seven tax-related bills as job killers, which are not yet scheduled for hearings.


Provide Input On Long Beach’s Proposed Budget

The City of Long Beach has released a community survey for residents to weigh in on the $3 billion Fiscal Year 2019 Budget. The survey allows residents to provide feedback on General Fund spending, which accounts for 17% of the proposed budget. The survey is meant to identify which services are priorities to residents, such as policing, fire response, parks and recreation, library services and infrastructure. Click here to take the Long Beach Budget Priority Survey.